"Catholic Church's are consecrated spaces reserved for worship and prayer"
Most of our Catholic Churches have turned into auditoriums replacing the Reverence we used to have.
Many of our priests tell stories instead of teaching about sin. They have become entertainers.
They talk the love of God, The mercy of God, but fail to mention the wrath of God.What created all these changes from our original mass?
Where did they come from, the Holy Spirit or from the evil forces of the devil?
Study Modernism, From my research the Free Masons (Communists) had a 100 year plan to destroy the Catholic church, from within.
Our seminaries were infiltrated in the1930,s and 40's and new priests
taught in a way to conform to the modernists way.
Modernism = Communism, Just like out country has been over run by socialism
Destroy the reverence, make all church's similar. Get the laity involved in the mass.
The laity needs to educate themselves to the truth. Their souls and their children's souls may depend on it,
My research has shown that the main reason so many left the church was communion in the hand which destroyed the reverence to the Eucharist.
Only a priest or ordained minister should ever touch the host or Vessels containing the Eucharist.
Now anyone can.
I think we will not get more people back to the church and keep them or get many new priests until the
Bishops and priests understand we need to go back to the reverence we had before Vatican 2,
Back to the council of Trent. back to the traditional teachings, catechism from the Baltimore catechism.Not the modernist indoctrination.
We need to return the reverence back to out mass and the sacredness back to the Eucharist.
God will not bless us if we continue to desecrate the body and blood of his son.
First Four Entry's In Print Read and Learn
Communist Infiltration of the Catholic Church
The foregoing coincides with leaked plans of the Masonic P2 Lodge in Italy that were issued just before Vatican II. Consider this excerpt from their 34 guidelines that were made effective March 1962.
“Get women and laity to give Communion, say that this is the Age of the Laity. Start giving Communion in the hand like the Protestants, instead of on the tongue, say that Christ did it this way. Collect some for Satan Masses
In Print Readable
It is a well known and documented fact that the agents of Communism began entering our Catholic seminaries as far back as the 30s for the purpose of destroying the Church from within. Over a thousand such agents had infiltrated the seminaries prior to 1940
Our priests have been indoctrinated with false teachings.Reverence in Church https://tinyurl.com/2s3ztdmh Lifing Hands in Prayer During the Our Father (The Orans Posture) Reserved only for the priest. https://ucatholic.com/blog/the-orans-posture-how-you-should-you-hold-your-hands-during-the-our-father-at-mass/
An Indult Born Out of Disobedience
Truth about communion in the hand while standing.
In Print - Readable
Catholic Moral Dress Code http://catholicapologetics.info/morality/modesty/dress.htm
In Print - Readable
Communion, Hand or Tongue. Allowed or Sacrilege? Explaining the faith, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_rY0Tj4bYM Who can touch the sacred vessels? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTkrdd5Y9PA Modesty in Dress---
In Print - Readablehttps://www.scripturecatholic.com/modesty-in-dress Fifteen Things that Need to Stop Happening at Mass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sn0vcFPjL4
Below is a list of the things that were not done in the Pre-Vatican 2 mass,
And are not done in the traditional mass
- People visiting/ talking In church after the priest exits. (Jesus is still present in the Tabernacle)
- The practice of sharing peace, a disruption during mass, Also a way to pass on the cold and flu to your neighbors.
- Holding hands during the Our Father.
- Raising of the hands after the Our Father. The Orans Posture (reserved only for the priest).
- Receiving Communion in the hand. (Still a sacrilege, but no longer taught)
- Chewing the host like a piece of bread, we were taught to let it dissolve in our mouth.
- Not folding hands going to communion and returning to the pew.
- Music other than an organ.
- Clapping in church.
- Singing Happy Birthday and other nontraditional songs
- Lay people on the altar doing the reading or handing out communion.
- Altar girls, Males become priests, Women do not and should not be on the altar.
- People wearing shorts or women wearing loud clothing drawing attention to themselves or showing too much skin.
- Parents not disciplining their kids.
- Kids leaving mass, even during the consecration to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water.
- Parents with babies not using the cry room.
- Priests/Deacons saying something funny to get a laugh out of people at the start of the homily. (Telling stories, entertaining)
- Priests facing the people instead of the tabernacle.
- People other than the priest touching the Holy Vessels with their bare hands.
- Kids leaving their seats to put money in a collection basket. (we were taught to tithe by our parents, from the pew)
- Priests telling stories to woo the crowd instead of teaching the ten commandments from the pulpit. I have been told by two priests the Bishops have ordered them to tone down their sermons so they do not scare people away as the collection box will suffer. Is it all about the money?
At one time the Catholic church stood out as being different as it should be. Like a rock.
Now its like sand, another grain like all the rest. Have the Free Masons won?
Below,Some Videos, Some In Print
https://olrl.org/snt_docs/fewness.shtml What Happened to the Catholic Church? https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=bJ6AhxvUeRQ Archbishop Vigano interview on Fatima and Vatican 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=VWIAK6wuBXg False Prophets and End Times/ homily
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qtGhp_CpHA Vatican II religion is not the Catholic religion. False church dwelling within the Bride of Christ
In Print - Readable
The Hour is Late: Time to face uncomfortable questions.
In Print
https://akacatholic.com/uncomfortable-questions/ A Perfect Storm-The Cathloic Mass after Vatican ll
The documentary of the creation of the New Mass (Novus Ordo) after Vatican II. Join us for a surprising investigation into the machinations of Annibale Bugnini, and meet those who fought to preserve the Latin Mass against all oddshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y1cABhLc2o
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Can be bought on Amazon as Kindle addition, audio file or hardcover.
Our govt and our church has been infiltrated by new world order demons, This book tells how they were able to do so undetected. Every Catholic should read this book.
OR Listen to an interview on this book here, starts at the 2.15 min mark
v=FANYtj4SbpM In Print
Baltimore Catechism
(read online)Baltimore_Catechism.pdf Catechism on the Council of Trent (read online}
http://www.catholicapologetics.info/ thechurch/catechism/trentc.htm Catechism Lessons
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Other free pamphlets to read Onlinehttp://www.christianfamilyoutreach.com/ The 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy https://catholicsstrivingforholiness.org/the-7-spiritual-works-of-mercy/
We are all called to learn the truth. Our souls may depend on it.
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